15:00 - 20:00 op meerdere locaties

Open Dag 5 november

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Better Dutch for Beginners in The Hague

Better Dutch for beginners in The Hague

1 jaar
Meld je aan
Open Dag 11 maart 2025
11 maart 2025 | 15:00 - 20:00 | Meerdere locaties
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Open Middag MBO Westland 19 maart 2025
Woensdag 19 maart | 16:00 - 18:00 | Europa 1, Naaldwijk
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Online chat-moment leerlingen
27 maart 2025 | 19:00 - 20:00 | Online
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The course starts several times a year with sufficient entries.

Alle praktische informatie

You learn how to read, write and speak in Dutch. During the course wou will also learn the grammar rules.

Dit ga je leren

Duration of the course

The course will take 30, 40 or 60 weeks, that depends on your level, your learning capacities and your study skills.

The lesson times are

  • twice a week from 09:00 - 12:15 or

  • twice a week from 18:45 - 22.00


You learn how to read, write and speak in Dutch. During the course wou will also learn the grammar rules.


  • are living in The Hague

  • are 18 years or older

  • have a passport from a country belonging to the European Union or Turkey (or on your residence
    permit is written that you are the partner of a migrant from the European Union);

  • have attented secondary school for at least a few years.

To be admitted, you must first make a learning test. You will be automatically invited for this test and an interview after you have registered.

Veelgestelde vragen

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Gekozen Opleiding
Better Dutch for Beginners in The Hague

Wij zijn Mondriaan, wie ben jij?

Wij houden je graag op de hoogte via e-mail. Bezoek een van de Open Dagen, of kom Proefstuderen en maak kennis met ons.

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