15:00 - 20:00 op meerdere locaties

Open Dag 5 november

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Manager entrepreneur hospitality

Manager entrepreneur hospitality

4 jaar
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Open Dag 11 maart 2025
11 maart 2025 | 15:00 - 20:00 | Meerdere locaties
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Open Middag MBO Westland 19 maart 2025
Woensdag 19 maart | 16:00 - 18:00 | Europa 1, Naaldwijk
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Online chat-moment leerlingen
27 maart 2025 | 19:00 - 20:00 | Online
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Do you have excellent organizational and communication skills, a strong attention to detail, and the ability to think on your feet? If you're passionate about creating memorable experiences for guests, have a drive to excel, and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, then a career in hotel management may be for you! With the skills you'll learn in this program, you'll be equipped to start your own business or become a successful manager in the industry.

Alle praktische informatie

Get a comprehensive education in hotel management with the Hotel and Management Program. Learn marketing, finance, operations, customer service, HR, entrepreneurship, restaurant service, front office, and cookery through real-world projects, industry visits and hands-on experience. Enhance your Dutch, English, Spanish, and numeracy skills.

What does the programme look like?

This modular programme is designed to focus on specific topics in half-year periods and is divided into 4 years. The first two years are school based, with a combination of lectures, workshops, hands-on projects and practical classes. In the third year, you'll do a traineeship in a real-world setting. The opportunity to do this traineeship in a foreign country is optional and gives you the chance to gain international experience and exposure to new cultures and ways of doing business. The specific topics in the educational programme include operational management, entrepreneurship, culinary art, restaurant service, and hotel management. The fourth year is also school based, with a focus on refining your skills and preparing for your future career.

Dit ga je leren

If you're passionate about creating memorable experiences for guests, have a drive to excel, and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, then a career in hotel management may be for you! With the skills you'll learn in this program, you'll be equipped to start your own business or become a successful manager in the industry.

Get a comprehensive education in hotel management with the Hotel and Management Program. Learn marketing, finance, operations, customer service, HR, entrepreneurship, restaurant service, front office, and cookery through real-world projects, industry visits and hands-on experience. Enhance your Dutch, English, Spanish, and numeracy skills.

If you would like to try one of our studies for a day, please send an e-mail to proefstuderen.ihms@rocmondriaan.nl


Do you have excellent organizational and communication skills, a strong attention to detail, and the ability to think on your feet? If you're passionate about creating memorable experiences for guests, have a drive to excel, and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, then a career in hotel management may be for you! With the skills you'll learn in this program, you'll be equipped to start your own business or become a successful manager in the industry.


Do you have other questions?

Not sure what you are looking for? We are happy to help you.

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Manager entrepreneur hospitality

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